Wednesday, August 10, 2011

An Opening...

While using my phone's speech-to-text capability to write a note, I said the phrase "I'm not certain my world view will hold up to scrutiny." However, what my phone wrote instead was "I'm not certain my world view will hold up to screw me" which, although crass, more accurately portrays my sentiments. =)
(I love when a simple misunderstanding cuts through the garbage, to the heart of the matter!)

And thus, this blog. I am not writing to a particular audience, and I don't have a specific agenda in mind, other than this: I intend to use this blog as an avenue through which to think "out loud"; to voice my opinions, thoughts, and feelings; to get them out where I can see them, scrutinize them, challenge, wrestle with, adjust, and correct them. This is intended as an exercise for myself, and my own mental health and sanity (which may already be a lost cause!) ;) So please, feel no obligation to continue reading my ramblings and meanderings here. I make no apologies, but I will always accept constructive feedback.

Please, do not look for any deep, theological or philosophical treatises here. Any depth or profundity achieved is the result of wrestling with my thoughts, and quite possibly, purely accidental! ;) 

I ask God to grant me wisdom as I embark on this venture, and ask for His revelation as I wrestle and struggle through my thoughts.

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