Thursday, November 17, 2011

But I want it!

We've all seen it; the child running rough shod through the store, with no regard for the other people around. Like a little tornado, leaving behind a path of destruction, and a poor mother desperately trying to catch up. You hear a wailing voice rising from the next aisle over "But I WANT it!" You round the corner just in time to see the child collapse on the floor in a full-blown, meltdown fit.

Do you want to know the truth? I am that child.... regularly! I scream at God "But I WANT IT!" Whether its some shiny new thing, a raise, a relationship, whatever it is, "I WANT IT!" God however, as a good parent, sees the dangers that I do not perceive, and lovingly tells me "No." And I respond with all the maturity, poise, and grace of a 2 year old, crumpling into an emotional heap, kicking and screaming, and believing that God doesn't love me. When someone tries to remind me that "God works all things together for the good of those who love Him" I mentally add "except for me" to the end.

And yet, some of the things I have wanted the most in my life, in hindsight, would have been disastrous. But that disaster and heartache was avoided, because God protected me by telling me "No." Although I usually don't like His methods, and sometimes don't want to hear it, God IS working all things together for my greatest good.

I think the Garth Brooks song said it best: Some of God's greatest gifts, are Unanswered Prayers.

Question: What has God told you "No" to, which you're now thankful for?

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