Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ripples and Waves

In my last post, I wrote about success. I was pondering how some achieve and maintain it. Then Steve Jobs passed away. This is sad event put many things in perspective. I debated about re-writing the entire post, but decided to post it, as written, and write a follow up.

By all accounts, Steve Jobs was a success; wealthy, influential, respected & beloved by millions. He was a visionary who literally changed the world.

But he was not always a success. He dropped out of, and never graduated from college. For a time he was sleeping on the floor in friends' dorm rooms. And even after 10 years of success at Apple, he was fired from the company he helped create. A lot of people would call that a failure. But that "failure" led him to start two new companies, which also became successful. As he himself said, looking forward, he couldn't see how the dots would connect that would lead him to such success. It was only in hindsight that he could see how all the dots connected.

The accomplishments of Steve's life changed the world. But his passing was merely a significant blip on our collective radar; a trending topic on twitter and facebook feeds for about 36 hours (which is an eternity in this day!) and the obligatory comments by news media, coupled with the pre-canned obituaries. His passing was noticed, and felt, and then gone.

But the ripples of his life will continue long after his passing.

I think true success is to achieve something of positive significance; Some good which outlasts yourself. It doesn't mean you have to change the entire world, or even a large chunk of it. But I feel you should endeavor to leave at least your own corner of the world a better place than how you found it.

What does that mean for you? What will it look like? That is for you to discover! As Frederick Buechner said "The place God calls you to is where your deep gladness, and the world's deep hunger meet". And on that road, it is important to remember that minor, and even major setbacks, are not necessarily the end of the dream. Thomas Edison said "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work" and "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."

For me, helping people, meaningful relationships, learning, teaching, recognition & respect, and financial gain make me feel successful. It is probably different for you, so ask yourself "At the end of the day, what makes me feel like my time & effort was worthwhile? What gave me 'deep gladness'?"

Some day, the ripples of my life are all that will remain; the echos of my existence. But for now, while I'm still here, while I can still have direct impact, and can still shape the good I leave behind, its time to take action!
Let's make some waves! 

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